Iris Bahar, PhD
Keyword Topic: Robot Perception
Micah Corah
Micah Corah
Computer Science
Assistant Professor
Affiliated Pillar(s): Frontiers
Research Focus Areas: Computing for Innovation | Innovation in Computing | Robotics for the Modern World
Kaveh Fathian, PhD
Kaveh Fathian, PhD
Computer Science
Assistant Professor
Affiliated Pillar(s): Frontiers | Fundamentals
Research Focus Areas: Advanced Mathematics for the Modern World | Robotics for the Modern World
Andrew Petruska, PhD
Andrew Petruska, PhD
Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor & Director of Robotics Program
Affiliated Pillar(s): Foundations | Frontiers
Jamal Rostami, PhD, PE
Jamal Rostami, PhD, PE
Mining Engineering
Professor and Haddon /Alacer Gold Endowed Chair
Research Focus Areas: Advanced Resource Extraction Production & Processing | Critical Materials & Supply Chains | Earth & Planetary Processes | Exploring the Subsurface through Modeling & Mapping | Materials & Manufacturing of the Future | Robotics for the Modern World | Space Exploration & Resource Development | Underground Infrastructure Development