Research Development Newsletter

Funding Opportunities 

Each week RTT emails a newsletter of relevant funding opportunities to the Mines research announcements listserv. Below is a copied list of relevant funding opportunities currently open for submission. If you would like to be added to our weekly newsletter please contact the Research Development team at

Mines Membership to the Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium Opens New Funding Opportunities

The Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) is a 501(c)(3) biomedical technology consortium that is internationally-dispersed, collaborating with multiple government agencies with the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command. The consortium focuses on the development and delivery of innovative medical technologies that protect, treat, and optimize the health and performance of U.S. military personnel and civilians. As a member organization, Mines faculty may apply to any of their open solicitations, which are announced throughout the year. Solicitation topics vary but may be applicable to those in quantitative biosciences and engineering, computer science, materials science, chemistry, physics, and other disciplines. Check their website throughout the year for current and upcoming solicitations.

See current and upcoming solicitations


Research and Development (RAD) Directed Energy (RD) University Assistance Instruments

DOD Air Force Research Lab Solicitation # DO-FOA-0003418
Concept Papers: 7/18/2029
Amount: $49M
The Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Directorate (RD) is the Department of the Air Force’s Center of Expertise for directed energy and optical technologies. The Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: Laser Systems, Directed Energy and Electro-Optics for Space Superiority, High Power Electromagnetics, and Weapons Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis. This five-year, open FOA is for soliciting research applications for Basic, Applied, and Advanced Research in the Core Technical Competencies (CTCs) described above. Multiple awards of assistance instruments are anticipated with periods of performance ranging from one to five years.
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Regional Resilience Innovation Incubator (R2I2) Phase-1

National Science Foundation Solicitation # NSF 24-595

Letter of Intent: 12/16/2024

Full Proposal: 1/16/2024

Amount: A total of $10M is available and NSF anticipates making 17 awards
The Regional Resilience Innovation Incubators (R2I2) is a cross-directorate NSF solicitation led by the Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) and the Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP). R2I2 will support community- engaged team science to co-design high-impact solutions to climate-related societal challenges that leverage recent advances in fundamental climate change and Earth system science research. Each R2I2 project will address specific regional climate challenges and will develop and demonstrate solutions to those challenges that can be effectively applied in real- world settings. Investment in R2I2 will leverage past federal investments in addressing climate change and will provide a bridge connecting advancements in basic science with local knowledge, informed decision making, and technological innovations for societal applications. R2I2 will be implemented in two phases, concept creation and implementation. This solicitation, focused on Phase-1, will fund a series of pilot projects focusing on project concept creation and refinement for solutions specific to a U.S. climate region.
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Molecular Foundations for Sustainability: Sustainable Polymers Enabled by Emerging Data Analytics (MFS-SPEED)

National Science Foundation Solicitation # NSF 24-567

Letter of Intent: 12/5/2024

Full Proposal: 1/16/2025

Amount: Up to $2M per award for up to a three-year period

The Molecular Foundations for Sustainability: Sustainable Polymers Enabled by Emerging Data Analytics program (MFS-SPEED) is a cross-directorate funding call in response to The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 and the 2022 CHIPS and Science Act. It is supported by the NSF Directorates for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) and Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (TIP), and five industry partners: Procter & Gamble, PepsiCo, BASF, Dow, and IBM.

The goal of MFS-SPEED is to support fundamental research enabling the accelerated discovery and ultimate manufacturing of sustainable polymers using state-of-the-art data science, and to enhance development of a cross-disciplinary workforce skilled in this area. In particular, through this solicitation the research community is encouraged to address the discovery and elaboration of new sustainable polymers or sustainable pathways to existing polymers by the creation and use of a data-centric environment where research projects are:

  1. focused on new approaches to predicting structure and properties of polymers and advanced soft materials,
  2. with insights enabled by data analytics including Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning;
  3. This includes more efficient, scalable preparation of monomers and polymers using existing or new synthetic routes
  4. and this call aims to train a technical workforce that leverages data analytics to create sustainable polymers and soft materials.
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Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships

National Science Foundation Solicitation # NSF 24-594

Preliminary Proposal: 11/20/2024

Full Proposal: 6/2/2025

Amount: Up to $30M annually for five years

The Science and Technology Centers (STC): Integrative Partnerships program supports exceptionally innovative, complex research and education projects that require large-scale, long-term awards. STCs focus on creating new scientific paradigms, establishing entirely new scientific disciplines, and developing transformative technologies which have the potential for broad scientific or societal impact. STCs conduct world-class research through partnerships among institutions of higher education, national laboratories, industrial organizations, other public or private entities, and via international collaborations, as appropriate. They provide a means to undertake potentially groundbreaking investigations at the interfaces of disciplines and/or highly innovative approaches within disciplines. STCs may involve any area of science and engineering that NSF supports.

If you are considering an NSF STC preliminary proposal, please consult with the RTT Office for proposal support and guidance.

Read Solicitation | Read STC Program Intelligence Guide from McAllister & Quinn


PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (PFE: REIF)

National Science Foundation Solicitation # NSF 20-558
Deadline: 11/12/2024
Amount: A total of $3M is available and an estimated 15 awards will be made.
The PFE: Research Initiation in Engineering Formation (PFE: RIEF) program has two goals: 1) Support research in the Professional Formation of Engineers (PFE), and 2) Increase the community of researchers conducting PFE research. PIs are expected to have little or no experience conducting social science or education research. PFE: RIEF is not intended for established researchers in engineering education or other social science fields to initiate new projects; rather, it enables engineering faculty who are renowned for teaching, mentoring, or leading educational reform efforts on their campus to develop expertise in conducting engineering education research.
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Agriculture and Food Research Initiative – Foundational and Applied Science Program

U.S. Department of Agriculture – NIFA Solicitation # USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453
Deadline: Varies by Program Area, between August and November 2024
Amount: A total of $300M is available
AFRI is America’s flagship competitive grants program that provides funding for fundamental and applied research, education, and extension projects in the food and agricultural sciences. In this RFA, NIFA requests applications for the six AFRI priority areas through the Foundational and Applied Science Program for 2024. The goal of this program is to invest in agricultural production research, education, and extension projects for more sustainable, productive, and economically-viable plant and animal production systems. In 2024, applications are sought in the following priority areas: 1. Plant health and production and plant products; 2. Animal health and production and animal products; 3. Food safety, nutrition, and health; 4. Bioenergy, natural resources, and environment; 5. Agriculture systems and technology; and 6. Agriculture economics and rural communities
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Carbon Capture, Removal, and Conversion Test Centers

Department of Energy – FECM Solicitation # DE-FOA-0003365
Deadline: 10/31/2024
Amount: AOI-1: up to $80M; AOI-2: up to $20M; AOI-3 Phase 1: $500K; AOI-3 Phase 2: up to $26M. Minimum cost share requirement is 30% with exception of AOI-3 Phase 1, which has a minimum 20% cost share.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is one of many approaches critical to significantly reducing domestic and global CO2 emissions. However, the energy and capital cost associated with state-of-the-art carbon capture systems represents a barrier to wide deployment. Performance of these systems in an industrial/utility environment is also required to establish experience using capture technologies and develop robust data sets that can be used to minimize costs and validate performance and environmental risks while scaling up carbon capture processes to commercially relevant scales. The purpose of this FOA is to cost-effectively research and evaluate, in an integrated process, the technical efficacy of advanced systems and components under relevant industrial or power plant operating conditions. This FOA is focused on the development of test centers through three AOIs:

  • AOI-1: Carbon Capture, Removal, and Conversion Test Center at an Electric Generating Unit
  • AOI-2: Enabling Capital Improvements at Existing Carbon Capture Test Facilities
  • AOI-3: Carbon Capture, Removal, and Conversion Test Center at a Cement Manufacturing Facility
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Research Coordination Network for a University-Community Climate Action Network (RCN-UCCAN)

National Science Foundation Solicitation # NSF 24-115
Deadline: 11/15/2024
Amount: Up to $2M for up to 2 years
With this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), the U.S. National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) and the Department of Energy’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO) within the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) announce their intent to together establish a strategic leadership network on climate action engagement aimed at the transition from the linear economy of today to a circular economy of tomorrow, including one that will better integrate university research and community needs. With this investment, NSF and DOE aim to organize “Climate Action Ambassadors” into an effective national network of professionals to develop evidence-based models, program concepts and recommendations that share, implement, and scale university-community partnerships in this national priority area.
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Carbon Management Round 6

Department of Energy – FECM Solicitation # DE-FOA-0002614
Deadline: 10/14/2024

$78.4M is available for up to 36 awards

Award size within each Area of Interest varies between $400K and $5M. All AOIs require 20% cost share.

The Carbon Management program seeks to support R&D projects in the areas of carbon conversion, carbon dioxide removal, point source carbon capture, and carbon storage. This FOA is being re-opened to solicit applications for new Areas of Interest:

  • AOI-1F. Reactive Carbon Capture Approaches for Point Source Capture or Atmospheric Capture with Integrated Conversion to Useful Products
  • AOI-3F. Engineering-Scale Testing of Transformational Carbon Capture Technologies for Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) Power Plants
  • AOI-3G. Engineering-Scale Testing of Transformational Carbon Capture Technologies in Portable Systems at Industrial Plants
  • AOI-3H-a. Preliminary Front-End Engineering and Design Studies (Pre-FEED) for Carbon Capture Systems at Existing (Retrofit) Domestic NGCC Plants
  • AOI-3H-b. Preliminary Front-End Engineering Design Studies (Pre-FEED) for Carbon Capture Systems at Hydrogen Production Facilities Using Coal, Mixed Coal/Biomass, or Natural Gas Feedstock
  • AOI-4A. Enhancing CO2 Transport Infrastructure (ECO2Transport): Pre-FEED Studies for Multimodal CO2 Transfer Facilities
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Critical Facility Energy Resilience (CiFER)

Department of Energy – NETL Solicitation # DE-FOA-0003384
Deadline: 10/4/2024

R&D Phase: Up to $3.5M with 20% cost share

Demonstration Phase: Up to $1.5M with 50% cost share

The Critical Facility Energy Resilience (CiFER) FOA will support large-scale deployment of innovative energy storage system technologies at host sites containing critical infrastructure to support demonstration of promising technologies and validate their ability to provide resiliency benefits. As such, proposing teams should consist of one or more partner in the following categories: technology provider, critical facility or infrastructure owner, and resiliency analytics partner. Applications for either Research & Development or Demonstration phases will be accepted.
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Smart Health and Biomedical Research in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Data Science (SCH)

National Science Foundation Solicitation # NSF 23-614
Deadline: 10/3/2024
Amount: $1.2M over 4 years
The purpose of this interagency program solicitation is to support the development of transformative high-risk, high-reward advances in computer and information science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, behavioral and/or cognitive research to address pressing questions in the biomedical and public health communities. Transformations hinge on scientific and engineering innovations by interdisciplinary teams that develop novel methods to intuitively and intelligently collect, sense, connect, analyze and interpret data from individuals, devices and systems to enable discovery and optimize health. Solutions to these complex biomedical or public health problems demand the formation of interdisciplinary teams that are ready to address these issues, while advancing fundamental science and engineering.
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Two Halo Industry Research Opportunities for Chemistry and Materials Research

Halo Solicitation # n/a
Deadline: 9/30/2024
Amount: $100K

CortevaScalable and cost-effective mono-hydroxylation of relevant process chemistry building blocks

Corteva is seeking short, non-confidential proposals that describe a plan for a scalable, selective and cost-effective process for mono-hydroxylation of readily synthetic building blocks (visual is included on project call page). Proposals should include: 1) Detailed method or plan on how we can develop and implement the process ; 2) Relevant literature or industrial application references; 3) A high-level cost estimate; and 4) A proposed development timeline. Submissions should exclude any proprietary and confidential information such as specific reagents, process conditions, specific enzymes and/or sequences. Up to $100,000 USD in funding is available, inclusive of indirect costs. There are opportunities for extended collaboration and additional funding if successful. The deadline to apply is September 30th. You can read more about the project call here.

Private CompanyMaterial and process improvements for eliminating metal particulates in fibre drum production

A manufacturing company is looking for technologies to either modify the materials used for chimes or to improve or replace the methods of production, such as precurling/hemming and mechanical crimping, to help eliminate the production of debris in the manufacturing process or prevent the debris from entering into the packaging. Up to $100,000 USD in funding provided in increments based on the achievement of specific milestones and progress checkpoints. You can read more about the project call here.


FY2024 Manufacturing USA Institute–AI for Resilient Manufacturing

NIST Solicitation # 2024-NIST-AI-MFGUSA-01
Concept Papers: 9/30/2024
Amount: $70M

This NOFO is a call for applications to establish and operate a Manufacturing USA institute focused on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to strengthen the resilience of U.S. manufacturers (referred to throughout this NOFO as the AI MFG USA institute). Through this competition, NISTexpects to select an applicant or applicant team most capable of establishing and leading a public-private partnership that will integrate expertise in AI, manufacturing processes, and supply chain networks to conduct applied R&D projects that address industry-wide needs for innovation leading to greater resilience of manufacturing systems. The AI MFG USA institute is also expected to cultivate the development of a world-leading workforce needed to deploy institute-developed AI technologies into industrial use. The award will provide financial resources to establish the AI MFG USA institute, conduct startup activities and operate a national effort to accelerate manufacturing innovation and increase U.S. global competitiveness.


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Class of 2025 Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship (VBFF) Program

Department of Defense – Office of Naval Research (ONR) Solicitation # N0001424SF007

White Paper: 9/27/2024

Full Proposal: 2/14/2025

Amount: 8 to 10 awards will be made of up to $3M each for a five-year period
VBFF supports innovative basic research within academia, as well as opportunities intended to develop the next generation of scientists and engineers for the defense workforce. This FOA is for a single investigator proposing basic research. All awardees will receive a research grant and the title of VBFF Fellow. VBFF Fellows and their students are provided with opportunities that are designed to enhance their understanding of DoD’s critical research needs and interact with DoD senior Science and Technology (S&T) program leaders. Scientific areas of interest to this FOA include: applied mathematics and computational science; networks and artificial intelligence; neuroscience and fundamentals of cognition and intelligence; fundamentals of bioengineering; quantum information science; electronics, photonics and quantum materials; soft materials and multiscale structures; materials science; and other multi-disciplinary topics that are relevant to DoD. Applicants must be faculty with tenure at the time of proposal submission and must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
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American-Made Solar Prize Round 8

Department of Energy HeroX Signup Here
Deadline: 9/26/2024
Webinar: 7/9/24
DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) announced the American-Made Solar Prize Round 8—a $4 million prize program designed to spur innovations in the nation’s solar hardware and software technologies and address challenges to rapid, equitable solar energy deployment.
Read Announcement Here


Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E)

National Science Foundation Solicitation # PD 24-8084
Deadlines: Between 9/16/2024 and 11/18/2024 depending on Directorate
Amount: Not specified
The goal of the Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering (CDS&E) meta-program is to identify and capitalize on opportunities for major scientific and engineering breakthroughs through new computational and data-analysis approaches and best practices. The CDS&E meta-program supports projects that harness computation and data to advance knowledge and accelerate discovery above and beyond the goals of the participating individual programs. The CDS&E meta-program encourages research that pushes the envelope of science and engineering through computation and data, welcoming proposals in any research area supported by the participating divisions. A proposal may address topics that develop or enable interactions among theory, computing, experiment, and observation to achieve progress on hitherto intractable science and engineering problems. PIs are advised to consult the appropriate program contacts before submitting.
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Climate Change AI Innovation Grants 2024

Climate Change AI

Solicitation #






Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help support climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as climate science, across many different areas, for example energy, agriculture, forestry, climate modeling, and disaster response. However, impactful research and deployment have often been held back by a lack of data and other essential infrastructure, as well as insufficient knowledge transfer between relevant fields and sectors. As part of the project, the grantees must publish a documented dataset (or simulator), which was created by collating, labeling, and/or annotating existing data, and/or by collecting, simulating, or otherwise making available new data that can enable further research. Projects are expected to result in a deployed project, scientific publications, or other public dissemination of results, and should include a carefully considered pathway to impactful deployment. This year, there are two special tracks in addition to the main track, focusing on methane and dataset gaps.  

Reach out to Zach Lynott, Corporate and Foundation Relations, at, with questions about any of these opportunities.

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NSF Professional Formation of Engineers Program Accepting Proposals by September 10, 2024

The Professional Formation of Engineers: Revolutionizing Engineering Departments program (IUSE/PFE: RED) (NSF 24-564) builds on advances in the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education framework. This solicitation seeks to fund projects that design revolutionary new approaches to engineering education, ranging from changing the canon of engineering to fundamentally altering the way courses are structured to creating new departmental structures and educational collaborations with industry. A common thread across these projects is a focus on organizational and cultural change within the departments, involving students, faculty, staff, and industry in rethinking what it means to provide an engineering program. The RED program supports four tracks: RED Planning (Track 1; up to $150K over 2 years), RED Adaptation and Implementation (Track 2; up to $1M for 5 years), RED Innovation (Track 3; up to $2M for 5 years), and RED Innovation Partnerships (Track 4; up to $2.5M for collaborations across multiple institutions for 5 years). Mines is an eligible applicant for tracks 2-4. Full proposals are due September 10, 2024.

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Fiscal Year 2024 Vehicle Technologies Office Batteries FOA

Department of Energy – EERE Solicitation # DE-FOA-0003383

Concept Paper: 9/9/2024

Full Application: 10/30/2024

Amount: Awards will range from $1.35M to $4.2M depending on the Topic Area

This FOA intends to advance research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D) in several areas critical to the future of advanced batteries. The funding will drive innovations in low-cost electric vehicle (EV) battery electrode, cell, or pack manufacturing; improve battery safety and reduce cascading failures; and strengthen the domestic supply chain of inexpensive and abundant battery materials. This funding is aligned with strategies detailed in the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization, which is a landmark interagency framework of strategies and actions to remove all emissions from the transportation sector by 2050, by advancing battery technologies that can power safe and efficient zero-emission EVs. 

This FOA has five topic areas:

Topic 1 Improved 12 Volt Lead Acid Batteries for Safety-Critical Electric Vehicle Applications, focused on improving the service life and performance requirements to meet critical safety features while reducing cost ($10 million).

Topic 2 Develop Vehicle or Structural Level Strategies to Reduce the Likelihood of the Cascading Effects of Electric Vehicle Fires, focused on university-led teams conducting research at the cell, pack, and vehicle level ($3.9 million).

Topic 3 Battery Electrode, Cell, and Pack Manufacturing Cost Reduction, focused on developing improved manufacturing technologies for EV battery electrodes, cells, and packs ($12.5 million). 

Topic 4 Silicon-Based Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries, focused on researching, fabricating, and testing lithium battery cells implementing silicon electrodes with a commercially available cathode technology to achieve cell and cost performance targets (more than 350 Wh/kg of usable energy with a cell cost target of less than $70/kWh) ($12.5 million). 

Topic 5 High Energy Density Conversion Cathodes, focused on developing high energy density battery cells containing metal chalcogenide, oxide, or halide cathodes by solving key challenges for the cathode, electrolyte, electrode integrity, or safety ($4.05 million). 

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Cornerstone Initiative Request (CIR) for Strengthening America’s Manufacturing and Defense Industrial Base (SAMDIB)

Department of Defense – Army Contracting Command Solicitation # CS-24-1801
Deadline: White Paper: 9/6/2024
Amount: Varies by project

The purpose of this CIR is to establish a Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored strategic and long-standing, multi-year (5 year maximum) mechanism to solicit white papers addressing critical sectors, Strengthening America’s Manufacturing (SAM) of the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). Awarded SAMDIB resiliency and supply chain assurance initiatives will focus on prototype projects, capabilities, and capacities supporting a broad range of requirements aimed at delivering decisive advantages to our Warfighters.

The DoD is seeking prototype projects that address one of the following priority sector areas:

  • Workforce
  • Microelectronics
  • Energy storage and batteries
  • Kinetic capabilities
  • Castings and forgings
  • Critical minerals
  • Manufacturing capabilities

Mines is a Cornerstone Consortium member so is eligible for this opportunity. Contact RTT for additional resources needed to support a Cornerstone application.

Read Solicitation – See Attachment

Biodiversity on a Changing Planet (BoCP)

National Science Foundation Solicitation # NSF 24-574
Deadline: 9/5/2024

Design Track: up to $500K for US portion

Implementation Track: No maximum award size

The BoCP program is a cross-directorate and international program led by NSF that invites submission of interdisciplinary proposals addressing grand challenges in biodiversity science within the context of unprecedented environmental change, including climate change. Successful BoCP proposals will test novel hypotheses about functional biodiversity and its connections to shifting biodiversity on a changing planet, with respect to both how environmental change affects taxonomic and functional biodiversity, as well as how the resulting functional biodiversity across lineages feeds back on the environment. Proposals that seek to improve predictive capability about functional biodiversity across temporal and spatial scales by considering the linkages between past, present, and future biological, climatic, and geological processes are also encouraged. The program supports both US-only collaborative proposals and proposals with international partnerships with the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) of Brazil, and the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa. International collaborative proposals are to be submitted jointly, with the US PIs submitting to NSF and the collaborating Chinese, Brazilian, or South African PIs submitting to their appropriate national funding agencies.
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Colorado School of Mines Accelerator Fund Accepting Proposals Year-Round

The Colorado School of Mines Office of Research and Technology Transfer is soliciting applications for commercialization projects based on Mines intellectual property. The purpose is to provide funding to Mines’ researchers who have made progress moving their invention into the commercial market and are interested in continuing the process. It is also to serve as pre-seed funds before applying for investment funding, including Mines Venture Fund. This fund has been made possible by funding from the Colorado School of Mines Foundation and the State of Colorado’s Advanced Industry Program. Projects submitted to this competition should be short-duration (up to one year) and low-cost ($50K maximum) go-to-market projects. If you have questions, please reach out to Will Vaughan, Director of Technology Transfer, at

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FY 2024 Continuation of Solicitation for the Office of Science Financial Assistance Program (FAP)

Department of Energy – Office of Science Solicitation # DE-FOA-0003177
Deadline: No deadline. Current solicitation expires on 9/30/2024 or until replaced by a successor FOA. Timing may play a factor if targeting funding during a specific fiscal year.
Amount: $500M total is available. Individual award sizes vary. Past awards have ranged from $5K to $5M.
The Office of Science Financial Assistance Program is the program’s annual, broad, open solicitation that covers all the research areas in the Office of Science, which encompasses Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR), Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Biological and Environmental Research (BER), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES), High Energy Physics (HEP), and Nuclear Physics (NP). Contact with DOE program personnel and alignment with DOE and Office of Science mission areas are crucial. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the McAllister & Quinn FAP Program Intelligence Guide in addition to the solicitation linked below.
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Foundational Research in Robotics (FRR) Focus on Agricultural Robotics

National Science Foundation/USDA Solicitation #

DCL: 24-080

PD 20-144Y

Deadline: Proposals accepted any time
Amount: Past awards range from $300K to $1M
The Foundational Research in Robotics (FRR) program, jointly led by the CISE and ENG Directorates, supports research on robotic systems that exhibit significant levels of both computational capability and physical complexity. The program welcomes research that considers inextricably interwoven questions of intelligence, computation, and embodiment. Projects may also focus on a distinct aspect of intelligence, computation, or embodiment, as long as the proposed research is clearly justified in the context of a class of robots. In particular, NSF has issued a Dear Colleague Letter in partnership with the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to encourage proposals to the FRR program that advance foundational research in agricultural robotics.

Read Dear Colleague Letter



Current Calls for Expressions of Interest

Hearing from you that you are interested in a limited submission opportunity helps us determine whether a full internal competition will be needed. The only information you typically need to provide in an expression of interest is your name and department information (and that of your team, if applicable) and your tentative project title. All applications are accepted through InfoReady.


Science and Technology Centers: Integrative Partnerships (STC)

National Science Foundation Solicitation # NSF 24-594
Internal Deadline: 9/4/2024 Limit: 3
Sponsor Deadlines:

Preliminary Proposal: 11/20/2024

Full Proposal: 6/2/2025

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University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics

Department of Defense

Solicitation #


Internal Deadline:



3 (2 across Topics 1-4; 1 in Topic 5)

Sponsor Deadlines:

Notice of Intent: 10/11/2024

Proposal: 11/15/2024

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (OUSD), Research and Engineering (R&E) Joint Hypersonics Transition Office (JHTO), in partnership with Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) and the UCAH, is soliciting for Prototype Project Proposals (PPPs) supporting projects that will accelerate hypersonics technology development, develop the nation’s future hypersonics workforce, and facilitate the transition of ready technologies into operational capabilities. Topic areas include the following:

  • Topic 1: Rotating Detonating Engine Advancement
  • Topic 2: Durable Seals for Extreme Environments
  • Topic 3: Seeing Through High-Speed Turbulence for EO Seekers
  • Topic 4: Directed Energy – Non-Kinetic Methods for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD)
  • Topic 5: UCAH 2024 Grand Challenge – Jet Interaction in Hypersonic Flight

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Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25)

National Institutes of Health – NIBIB

Solicitation #


Internal Deadline:




Sponsor Deadline:


The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research. To accomplish the stated overarching goal, this FOA will support educational activities with a primary focus on courses for skills development and research experiences. The ESTEEMED program is designed to foster the development of undergraduate freshmen and sophomores from diverse backgrounds to pursue further studies and careers in bioengineering or STEM fields relevant to NIBIB’s scientific mission. Applications are encouraged to propose integrated educational activities that include 3 elements: a summer bridge program for incoming freshmen, and in the freshman and sophomore years, academic year activities and summer research experiences. The ESTEEMED program is intended to expose students to bioengineering research early in their college careers while also providing students didactic, mentoring and career development opportunities. This will prepare students to join, in their junior and senior years, an honors program that promotes STEM and entrance into a Ph.D. program. The ultimate goal is for the participants to pursue a doctoral degree and a subsequent research career in bioengineering or NIBIB-relevant field.

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Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes

National Science Foundation

Solicitation #

NSF 24-599

Internal Deadline:




Sponsor Deadlines:

Letter of Intent: 2/7/2025

Preliminary Proposal: 3/7/2025

Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes are large-scale interdisciplinary research projects motivated by major challenges at the frontiers of quantum information science and technology (QIST). Institutes are expected to catalyze breakthroughs on important problems underpinning QIST, for example in the focus areas of quantum computation, quantum communication, quantum simulation and/or quantum sensing. Successful institutes will coordinate a variety of approaches to specific scientific, technological, and educational goals in these fields, including multiple institutions and building upon multiple disciplines, as motivated by the science and engineering challenges. In so doing, Institutes will nurture a culture of discovery, provide education, training, and workforce development opportunities in the context of cutting-edge research, and demonstrate value-added from synergistic coordination within the institute and with the broader community. Partnerships, infrastructure, industry engagement, outreach, international collaboration, and new applications for QIST should be fostered by Institutes in support of their research, education, and coordination goals.

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Notice of Intent to Issue DE-FOA-0003215, University Training and Research for Fossil Energy and Carbon Management

Department of Energy – FECM NOI # DE-FOA-0003436
Anticipated Release Date: Q4 2024

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management has released a notice of intent to issue a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) in support of its University Training and Research program. The University Training and Research program encompasses the University Carbon Research and Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU-MSI) programs.

If released, the FOA is expected to focus on the following research and development activities:

  • Curriculum to Grow Carbon Management Education Capacity
  • Critical Mineral Supply Chain Career Awareness Outreach Program
  • Soil Carbon Sequestration: Establishing Technical and Social Baselines to Enable Broader Adoption
  • Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Advance Point Source Capture and Train the Next Generation of Engineers (HBCU-MSI only)
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Notice of Intent to Issue DE-FOA-0003415, Oceans of Opportunity: U.S. Wave Energy Open Water Testing

Department of Energy – EERE NOI # DE-FOA-0003427
Anticipated Release Date: September 2024
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office has announced an intent to provide up to $112.5M in funding to advance the commercial readiness of wave energy technologies through open water testing and system validation. Wave energy converters (WECs) harness power from ocean waves. Wave energy is abundant and complementary to other renewable energy sources, like wind energy and solar power, and is not yet widely deployed across the country. The proposed opportunity is designed to reduce risks for deployments, increase the potential for commercial adoption through longer-duration demonstrations (expected to last nearly two years), and offer additional benefits to help quickly advance WECs. This includes the ability to identify and mature high-potential WEC technologies, reduce financial risks for developers and incentivize investors, progress technologies at smaller scales while developing toward utility scale, and increase learning for installation, operations, and maintenance.
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Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI)

National Science Foundation NOI # NSF 24-117
Anticipated Release Date: 2024
The National Science Foundation has announced plans to support operations of the Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure program during FY2026-FY2035. A forthcoming program solicitation is anticipated to be issued in 2024 by NSF’s Directorate for Engineering, Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation. The new program solicitation is expected to be for a competition to establish a new NHERI portfolio for exemplary operations of experimental and field equipment/instrumentation facilities to serve as national resources for NHERI research and education. These facilities will be expected to advance frontier science and engineering research focused on the impact of climate change, earthquake, tsunami, windstorm, storm surge, flooding, and fire/wildland-urban interface (WUI) hazards on the nation’s civil infrastructure. Current NSF-supported NHERI facilities, as well as other existing facilities that can bring new national resources to NHERI, would be eligible for this competition. Through this new solicitation, it is anticipated that support will be provided, for “multi-user ready” facilities that can provide fully operational experimental laboratory and/or field equipment/instrumentation, with unique, benchmarked capabilities not elsewhere available in the U.S., coupled with fully operational data acquisition system(s). The anticipated due date for proposals submitted in response to this new program solicitation will be at least 90 days following the publication date. NSF will host an information webinar after the solicitation is issued.
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Notice of Intent to Issue DE-FOA-0003328 Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas FY24

Department of Energy – OCED NOI # DE-FOA-0003423
Anticipated Release Date: September 2024
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) intends to issue a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) entitled “Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas FY24”. The goals of this NOFO are to deliver measurable and sustained benefits to people who live in rural or remote areas; demonstrate rural or remote energy system approaches; and build clean energy knowledge, capacity, and self-reliance in rural and remote parts of America. OCED anticipates that funding will support materials, equipment, time, labor, and other resources to build clean energy projects in rural or remote communities and run other allowable activities (e.g., collaboration, outreach, and engagement with Tribes and stakeholders, or workforce development programs).
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Notice of Intent related to Aligning Manufacturability & Pre-production Design (AMPD) for Storage Technologies

Department of Energy – NETL NOI # DE-FOA-0003424
Anticipated Release Date: Fall 2024
The objective of the planned AMPD FOA will be to facilitate innovative energy storage technology material, subcomponent, component, or system design to improve the preproduction manufacturability of one or more energy storage technologies. Identifying and implementing design innovations will align pre-production storage system design to set the stage for manufacturing scale up. Applications to the AMPD FOA must propose design innovations as R&D solutions that address domestic pre-production manufacturability challenges and improve manufacturability against an estimated baseline. The design innovations must be solutions for specific, clearly identified manufacturability challenges, including, but not limited to, the selection, modification, or development of the size, shape, or composition of a material, subcomponent, component, or system. If the AMPD FOA is released, approximately $8M in federal funds, subject to annual congressional appropriation, is expected to be available for awarding new cooperative agreements.
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NOI: DARPA Quantum Benchmarking Initiative (QBI)

Dept. of Defense – DARPA Solicitation # DARPA-SN-24-87
Deadline: TBD
Amount: TBD
The purpose of this Special Notice (SN) is to provide public notification of additional research areas of interest to DARPA Microsystems Technology Office (MTO), specifically for the Quantum Benchmarking Initiative (QBI) program. It has been credibly hypothesized – but not proven – that quantum computers will have a transformative impact on a variety of scientific and technical disciplines. DARPA is interested in innovative approaches to constructing a utility-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer and applications that can run on those machines.
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Notice of Intent to Issue CHIPS National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program (NAPMP) Advanced Packaging Research and Development

Department of Commerce – NIST NOI # n/a
Anticipated Release Date: Unknown, although applicants should expect a 60-day period between NOFO release date and the deadline for concepts.
The CHIPS Research and Development Office (CHIPS R&D) intends to release a NOFO for new research and development (R&D) activities to establish and accelerate domestic capacity for semiconductor advanced packaging. The technical focus and R&D goals of the NOFO are expected to be informed by recent industry roadmaps, which share the common theme that emerging applications like high performance computing and low power electronics, both needed for artificial intelligence (AI), require leap-ahead advances in microelectronics capabilities, including advanced packaging. Achieving these goals requires coordinated investments to support integrated R&D activities to establish leading-edge domestic capacity for semiconductor advanced packaging. The anticipated NOFO will seek proposals relevant to one or more of five R&D areas: (1) Equipment, Tools, Processes, and Process Integration; (2) Power Delivery and Thermal Management; (3) Connector Technology, Including Photonics and Radio Frequency (RF); (4) Chiplets Ecosystem; and (5) Codesign/Electronic Design Automation (EDA). In addition to the R&D areas, the NOFO is expected to include a specific opportunity for prototype development in exemplar application areas.
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Notice of Intent to Issue DE-FOA-0003399 Energy Storage Pilot Demonstrations

Department of Energy – OCED NOI # DE-FOA-0003398
Anticipated Release Date: August 2024
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) intends to issue a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) entitled “Energy Storage Pilot Demonstrations”. The goal of this NOFO is to support pilot-scale demonstrations for non-lithium, long duration energy storage solutions that advance technical maturity, reduce uncertainty in cost and performance characteristics, generate operational datasets, and increase investor and end-user confidence in technical and commercial maturation pathways and timelines. OCED anticipates that funding will support technology maturation activities including design for manufacturability, pilot system development, fabrication and installation, operational testing and validation, and commercial scale system design and supply chain maturation. Total DOE funding for this opportunity is anticipated to be $100M; individual awards will be for $5M to $20M with 50% cost share.
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Notice of Intent: FY2024 Batteries & Electrification FOA

Department of Energy – EERE NOI # DE-FOA-0003382
Anticipated Release Date: July/August 2024

The U.S. Department of Energy announced an intent to fund projects that will advance research, development, demonstration, and deployment in several areas critical to achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector. The potential funding will drive innovations in low-cost electric vehicle battery manufacturing, using inexpensive and abundant battery materials in support of a viable domestic materials supply chain, and conducting smart-charge management demonstrations. The anticipated FOA (DE-FOA-0003382) targets Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) research and development projects potentially including:

  • Demonstration of Smart Charge Management for Electric Vehicles
  • Improved 12 Volt Lead Acid Batteries for Safety-Critical Electric Vehicle Applications
  • Develop Vehicle or Structural Level Strategies to Reduce the Likelihood of the Cascading Effects of Electric Vehicle Fires
  • Battery Electrode, Cell, and Pack Manufacturing Cost Reduction
  • Silicon-Based Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
  • High Energy Density Conversion Cathodes
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CHIPS for America Announces Vision and Future Funding Opportunities for $3B Semiconductor Packaging Program

The CHIPS for America initiative run by NIST has released its vision to boost U.S. capabilities for advanced packaging, a key technology for manufacturing semiconductors. Advanced packaging is a cutting-edge design and manufacturing method that places multiple chips with a variety of functions in a densely interconnected two- or three-dimensional “package.” This design paradigm can help the sector achieve the ever denser, smaller dimensions that the most advanced semiconductors require. Advanced packaging requires an interdisciplinary approach that brings together chip designers, materials scientists, process and mechanical engineers, measurement scientists, and many more. It also requires access to resources such as advanced packaging facilities. Currently, the United States is limited in both conventional and advanced packaging capacity. The approximately $3B program will be dedicated to activities that include an advanced packaging piloting facility for validating and transitioning new technologies to U.S. manufacturers; workforce training programs to ensure that new processes and tools are capably staffed; and funding for projects that focus on: 

  • materials and substrates
  • equipment, tools and processes
  • power delivery and thermal management
  • photonics and connectors
  • a chiplet ecosystem
  • co-design for test, repair, security, interoperability and reliability

The first FOA focused on materials and substrates is anticipated in early 2024.

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Pivot Search BAA’s search –

FY25-29 Strategic Trends Research Initiative Broad Agency Announcement

This is a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) soliciting strategic research on challenges related to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) 5–10 years in the future in support of the mission of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The BAA covers Fiscal Year (FY) 2025–2029 with a total funding amount of $35,880,000, subject to availability of funds. This BAA will remain posted on the Government point of entry, until superseded.

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FY 2025 Phase I Release 1 (SBIR/STTR)

Phase I grants resulting from this competition will be made during FY 2025 to small businesses with maximum award sizes of $200,000 or $250,000. Refer to the individual topic for its respective maximum award size (a proposal submitted that exceeds the maximum award size for the respective topic will be declined without review). The period of performance will depend on the scope of the effort but will not exceed 12 months. Please note that the Phase II grant application will be due approximately 9.5 months after the grant start date. This will be the only opportunity to submit a Phase II application for a Phase I award made under this FOA. Grantees that select a Phase I period of performance of 9 months or less will be able to complete their Phase I project prior to submission of their Phase II grant application. Grantees that select a Phase I longer than 9 months will be able to continue research and development (R&D) after their Phase II application is submitted but will not be able to utilize these results in the preparation of their Phase II application.

Phase I is to evaluate, insofar as possible, the scientific or technical merit and feasibility of ideas that appear to have commercial potential and/or substantial application in support of DOE mission research. The grant application should concentrate on research that will contribute to proving scientific or technical feasibility of the approach or concept. Success in a DOE Phase I is a prerequisite to further DOE support in Phase II.

Only awardees issued Phase I grants under this FOA are eligible to submit a Phase II application under the corresponding FY 2026 Phase II FOA, i.e., FY 2026 Phase II Release 1.

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BAA for Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Defense Efforts

Department of Defense – Dept of the Army

Solicitation #



Open until 8/20/2029



The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center (DEVCOM CBC) mission is to provide innovative chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) defense capabilities to enable the Joint Warfighters’ dominance on the battlefield and interagency defense of the homeland. Mission areas and technical points of contact for within DEVCOM CBC are shown in the Broad Agency Announcement. Proposals are sought from all eligible sources as specified herein, including educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and private industry. This BAA provides general information, proposal preparation instructions, evaluation and selection criteria, and award administration.

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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Releases Crop of Broad Agency Announcements and Funding Announcements

National Ocean Services (NOS) Line Office FY 2024-2026 BAA  
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-NOS-MB-27779  
Deadline: Proposals accepted on a rolling basis through 9/30/2026  
Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR) Line Office S&T FY 2024-2026 BAA
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-OAR-OER-2024-27749
Deadline: Proposals accepted on a rolling basis through 9/30/2026
FY 2024-2026 BAA for the Office of Education  
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-SEC-OED-2024-28060  
Deadline: Proposals accepted on a rolling basis through 9/30/2026  


Funding Opportunity Announcements

Climate Program Office FY2025 Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projections (MAPP) Program: Climate Change Projections to 2050: Applied Information for Industrial Applications
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-OAR-CPO-2025-27755

Letter of Intent: 10/18/2024

Full Application: 1/10/2025

Amount: $50K – $170K per year for up to 3 years
Understanding and Assessing Drought in a Changing Climate (NIDIS)
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-OAR-CPO-2025-27758

Letter of Intent: 9/18/2024

Full Application: 12/9/2024

Amount: $50K – $250K per year for 2 years
Leveraging Uncrewed Systems Data for Climate Applications
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-OAR-CPO-2025-27829

Letter of Intent: 9/18/2024

Full Application: 12/9/2024

Amount: $50K – $200K per year for up to 3 years
Climate Program Office FY2025 Climate Variability and Predictability (CVP) Program: TEPEX-E
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-OAR-CPO-2025-27756

Letter of Intent: 10/1/2024

Full Application: 1/17/2025

Amount: $525K – $750K over 3 years
Climate Program Office FY2025 Climate Variability and Predictability (CVP) Program: TEPEX-C
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-OAR-CPO-2025-27999

Letter of Intent: 10/1/2024

Full Application: 1/17/2025

Amount: $525K – $750K over 3 years
Integrating Observations and Modeling in Support of Process Understanding Relevant to Solar Radiation Modification Research
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-OAR-CPO-2025-27994

Letter of Intent: 9/18/2024

Full Application: 12/9/2024

Amount: $300K per year for 2-3 years
Climate Program Office FY2025 Atmospheric Chemistry, Carbon Cycle, and Climate (AC4) Program
NOAA Solicitation # NOAA-OAR-CPO-2025-27839

Letter of Intent: 9/18/2024

Full Application: 12/9/2024


Measurement Science and Engineering (MSE) Research Grant Programs

Department of Commerce – NIST Solicitation # 2024-NIST-MSE-01
Deadline: Proposals accepted on a rolling basis through 3/5/2026
Amount: Varies by program

This broad NOFO seeks to fund education and research activities across the following NIST programs:

(1)   Associate Director for Innovation and Industry Services (ADIIS);

(2)   Associate Director for Laboratory Programs (ADLP);

(3)   CHIPS Research & Development Program Office (CRDO)

(4)   Communications Technology Laboratory (CTL);

(5)   Engineering Laboratory (EL);

(6)   Fire Research (FR);

(7)   Information Technology Laboratory (ITL);

(8)   International and Academic Affairs Office (IAAO);

(9)   Material Measurement Laboratory (MML);

(10) NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR); 

(11) Physical Measurement Laboratory (PML);

(12) Special Programs Office (SPO); and

(13) Standards Coordination Office (SCO).

Refer to the solicitation for specific activities and funding levels related to each program.

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BAA Disruptive Application – Army Application Lab

Army Application Lab Solicitation # W911NF-24-S-0008
Deadline: Apr 04, 2029

The three main lines of effort associated with this BAA are discovery, acceleration, and translation of disruptive technology applications:

Discovery of novel capability concepts that capitalize on emerging technologies and application insights from the widest possible range of sources.

Acceleration of disruptive applications of technology that delivers a 2-4 times improvement over current or planned Army capabilities through the research, development, and validation of technology demonstrators.

Translation of breakthrough innovations that create a scalable, first-mover advantage for the Army in strategic technology areas by synchronizing knowledge generated in the discovery and acceleration phases with key decision points across the Army Future Force Modernization Enterprise (FFME).

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Navel Solicitation # N00421-24-S-0001
Deadline: 6/20/25

The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) is interested in receiving white papers for Research and Development projects which offer potential for advancement and improvement of NAWCAD operations. See opportunity for further details on the different focus areas.

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Computational Modeling of Aviation Systems BAA

Department of Defense – Army Research Laboratory Solicitation # ARL-BAA-0101
Deadline: Proposals are accepted through 11/19/2027
Amount: Not specified
Next-generation Army aviation platforms will need to integrate novel technologies in multiple areas including aerodynamics, acoustics, structural dynamics, and flight controls. These technologies will be evaluated in computational and experimental environments for real-world applications. Fundamental modeling and analysis capabilities also need to be developed at different degrees of fidelity from low fidelity for conceptual design and trade-space exploration to high fidelity for detailed design or scientific exploration. Novel technologies for next-generation Army aviation platforms are sought, including both manned platforms and unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Associated modeling and simulation approaches for these technologies will be required at varying degrees of fidelity to accommodate assessments at different stages of design and analysis processes including conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design stages.
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Mechanical Metamaterials for Advanced Protection BAA

Department of Defense – Army Research Laboratory Solicitation # ARL-BAA-0096
Deadline: Proposals accepted through 11/19/2027
Amount: Not specified

DEVCOM ARL is seeking proposals on the exploration and maturation of mechanical metamaterials and associated concepts, testing/diagnostics methods for characterization, scale-up methods etc., in a manner relevant to ballistic impact conditions. Novel manufacturing and processing techniques are of interest, provided that the work will involve high strain rate relevant characterization. Research in this area seeks to understand and control/manipulate material behavior to ballistic advantage, understand behavior on various scales, advanced modeling and simulation associated with these materials for enhanced understanding and further design/development of mechanical metamaterials.

Specific research areas include:

  • Mechanical metamaterials, nanostructured composites, engineered materials specifically built for manipulating shock and damage propagation due to ballistic impact and penetration.
  • Special consideration for increasing thickness, towards building 3D mechanical metamaterials.
  • Fundamental systematic studies to link manufacturing/synthesis process, nano/microstructure, mechanical properties, high strain rate properties, and ballistic performance.
  • Use or development of machine learning based approaches to aid in material discovery and design of mechanical metamaterials when there is no ‘big data’.
  • Modeling and simulation of such structures at various scales.
  • Multi-scale modeling approaches, verification, and validation involving mechanical metamaterials.
  • Developing/using experimental techniques and diagnostics to assess/characterize mechanical metamaterials. Scaling effects associated with small scale experimentation of such materials, and exploration of how they translate to continuum scale dynamic properties and performance.
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Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) – Environmental Technology Demonstrations – Open Topics BAA

Department of Defense – Dept of the Army

Solicitation #



Open until 8/21/2025


ESTCP may make multiple awards up to a collectively shared maximum value of the $10,000,000.00 under this BAA

The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) is the Department of Defense’s (DoD) demonstration and validation program for environmental and installation energy technologies. The ESTCP Office is interested in receiving white papers for innovative technology demonstrations that address DoD environmental and installation energy requirements as candidates for funding.

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Disruptioneering BAA

Department of Defense – DARPA

Solicitation #



Open until 8/16/2025. Individual Disruption Opportunities have deadlines.


Undetermined and based on project and DO

The mission of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Defense Sciences Office (DSO) is to identify, investigate, and leverage nascent scientific advances for national security applications by pursuing high-risk, high-payoff research initiatives across a broad spectrum of science and engineering disciplines. Disruption Opportunity (DO) topics are issued to rapidly investigate new concepts with targeted and limited scope investments. DOs enable DARPA to initiate a new investment in less than 120 calendar days from idea inception. To enable this approach, DSO will issue individual Disruption Opportunities under this solicitation. These opportunities will target specific technical domains important to DSO’s mission to pursue innovative research that leads to a prototype demonstration. More information about DSO’s technical domains and research topics of interest may be found at

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Program

Department of Defense – Office of Naval Research (ONR) Solicitation # N0001424SF005
Deadline: Open until 4/4/2025
Amount: Varies depending on technology area and technical approach
ONR seeks a broad range of applications for augmenting existing and/or developing innovative solutions that directly maintain and/or cultivate a diverse, world-class Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workforce to maintain the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps’ technological superiority. The goal of proposed efforts must provide solutions that establish, build and/or maintain STEM educational pathways and workforce opportunities for diverse U.S. citizens directly relevant to ONR science and technology areas.

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FY24 Broad Agency Announcement for Innovative Environmental Technologies and Methodologies

Department of Defense – Department of the Navy Solicitation # N3943024S2000
Deadline: Open until 4/7/2025
Amount: Varies depending on technology area and technical approach

This announcement seeks out technologies and methodologies to reduce environmental impacts from current and past Navy operations, and applies to Navy installations worldwide. NEXWC is interested in environmental technologies and methodologies that are either new, innovative, advance the state-of-the art, or increase knowledge or understanding of a technology or methodology. The technology or methodology shall address one of the following topic areas.

  1. Environmental assessment, restoration and cleanup
  2. Conservation of natural resources
  3. Unexploded Ordnance
  4. Technologies and methodologies addressing emerging chemicals
  5. Environmental compliance
  6. Resilient infrasctructue crucial for enduring environmental protection
  7. Remote sensing, and web based data processing, modeling, and reporting of environmental data

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Scientific Feasibility (SciFy)

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is soliciting innovative and revolutionary computational approaches that measure the feasibility of technical claims to enable accurate assessments of scientific content.

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NRL Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Basic and Applied Research

NRL requests white papers for long-range Science and Technology (S&T) projects which may offer advancement and improvement potential for Navy and Marine Corps operations. This announcement emphasizes NRL’s broad role in the competitive funding of meritorious research across a spectrum of science and engineering disciplines.

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DOD Strategic Capabilities Office Broad Agency Announcement

Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO) is an organization within the Office of the Secretary of Defense which seeks to identify, analyze, and prototype disruptive applications of new systems, unconventional uses of existing systems, and implement emerging technologies to create operational strategic effects. SCO is a rapid prototyping organization focused on delivering capabilities in 3-5 years to address high priority operational and strategic challenges.

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The ERDC is responsible for conducting research in the broad fields of hydraulics, dredging, coastal engineering, instrumentation, oceanography, remote sensing, geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, soil effects, vehicle mobility, self-contained munitions, military engineering, geophysics, pavements, protective structures, aquatic plants, water quality, dredged material, treatment of hazardous waste, wetlands, physical/mechanical/ chemical properties of snow and other frozen precipitation, infrastructure and environmental issues for installations, computer science, telecommunications management, energy, facilities maintenance, materials and structures, engineering processes, environmental processes, land and heritage conservation, and ecological processes.

This announcement is continuously open; pre-proposals may be submitted and will be reviewed at any time throughout the year.  The availability of funds may limit the ability of the U.S. Government to make awards in specific areas, nevertheless, pre-proposals are sought under this announcement for all research areas identified

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DARPA Defense Sciences Office Office-wide

This opportunity is to identify and create the next generation of scientific discovery to fuel innovation throughout the Agency and beyond. DSO frames its office according to the thrust areas described further below, but encourages any fundamental research concept, idea, or effort that addresses DARPA’s mission to make pivotal investments in breakthrough technologies for national security.

Novel Materials & Structures: This thrust includes, but is not limited to, science and technology in quantum devices, atomic scale systems, and functional and structural materials.

Sensing & Measurement: This thrust includes but is not limited to, science and technology in quantum sensing and metrology, seeing (sensing) the unseen, and novel light sources.
Computation & Processing: This thrust includes, but is not limited to, science and technology of quantum computing, cryptography, and modeling of complex systems.
Enabling Operations: This thrust includes, but is not limited to, technologies to support spacebased operations, tactically remote environments, and resource assurance.
Collective Intelligence: This thrust includes, but is not limited to, exploration of complex social systems, adaptable Artificial Intelligence (AI), and AI-accelerated learning.
Emerging Threats: This thrust includes, but is not limited to, national security concerns related to global issues associated with raw material availability, environmental catastrophes, and digital societies.

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The Office of Science (SC) of the Department of Energy (DOE) hereby announces its continuing interest in receiving grant applications for support of work in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, Fusion Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Isotope R&D and Production, and Accelerator R&D and Production.

This FOA is our annual, broad, open solicitation that covers all research areas in SC and is open throughout the Fiscal Year. Any research within SC’s Congressionally-authorized mission may be proposed under this FOA. This FOA will remain open until September 30, 2024, 11:59 PM Eastern Time, or until it is succeeded by another issuance, whichever occurs first.

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Army Contracting Command Announces Broad Agency Announcement for Development, Maturing, Demonstrating and Transitioning Aviation-Related Critical Technologies

Through this Master Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) (W911W6-23-R-0010), the Army Contracting Command announces its intent to solicit future proposals in alignment with its mission to develop, mature, demonstrate and transition critical technologies and products through technology programs and customer support that modernize, maintain and sustain Army Aviation as the dominant land force aviation component in the world. Individual calls will specify the research area(s) being solicited. This BAA closes on June 20, 2024.

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U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Broad Agency Announcement on Enabling Cyber-Linked Physical Sensing Exploitation Accepting White Papers

This Broad Agency Announcement (FA8650-21-S-1016) on Enabling Cyber-Linked Physical Sensing Exploitation (ECLPSE) will be a Two Step, Open BAA to support research and analysis on cyber-physical sensing and Electronic Warfare (EW)-kinetic effects to enable understanding how cyber-connected devices interact with the physical environment found in manufacturing automation, utilities, transportation, agricultural, medical, and other common applications. This effort will also support research and analysis regarding the prevention and exploitation of information leakages similar to electromagnetic security (EMSEC) vulnerabilities in the cyber/EW-physical domain. Individual contracts will be up to $20M. The first step is submission of a white paper. Approved white paper offerors will receive Requests for Proposals. This BAA closes on February 25, 2026.

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DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Broad Agency Announcement for Foundational Research – Updated Topic List

Department of Defense – Department of the Army Solicitation # W911NF-23-S-0001
Deadline: Proposals accepted through 11/20/2027
Amount: Not specified
This BAA solicits white papers and proposals for both basic and applied research across areas of interest to the ARL. The extensive list of topics has been updated and republished.
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Advanced Manufacturing Research in support of the Sciences of Extreme Materials Competency – Closing date Nov. 19, 2027

Army modernization requires a set of robust manufacturing strategies and integrated capabilities that enable a highly connected and collaborative enterprise. Agile manufacturing involves digitally enabled advanced manufacturing (AdvM) technologies with ubiquitous access to rapid prototyping, small-scale production, materials by design, etc. that are capable of scalable, and on-demand distributed production of components and systems. Agile manufacturing integrates the procedures, resources, and preparation that are needed to respond to changes in the demand utilizing systems, resources, and practice to react to these demands and adapt quickly without jeopardizing the Army’s ability to meet the performance requirements.

This area seeks transformational materials that can operate in extreme conditions, and methods to manufacture them readily in the organic US industrial base as well as in austere environments at the point of need. Next generation Army components and systems will need to integrate novel structures of unmatched geometric complexity, and novel materials produced using novel data driven digital manufacturing methods. Topics of interest include:  Additive manufacturing, Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques for AdvM, Printed hybrid electronics including multi-functional devices and structures, Novel and robust design methodologies for convergent manufacturing, and more. 

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Electric- and Magnetic-Field Sensor Technology – Closing date Nov. 19, 2027

Research proposals are desired that are related to small, rugged, low-power electric- and magnetic-field sensors that can be deployed on a battlefield using artillery-based delivery systems, or scattered from air or ground vehicles, or emplaced by individual soldiers. These sensors should be passive or semi-active (i.e., with no local field-generating element), and may operate at low frequencies in the quasi-static zone (or “near field”), where the electric and magnetic fields are not coupled. These sensors should be characterized by exceptionally low power, size, weight, and cost, and/or by exceptionally high sensitivity and low noise (i.e., with performance limited by the background environment). Sensor bandwidth generally falls between DC and ~1 MHz, but may be further limited for specific applications: e.g., 0.001-10 Hz for anomaly detection; 30-3000 Hz for electric-power sensing; 3-30 kHz for very low frequency (VLF) sensing.

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Invincible Materials Research in support of the Sciences of Extreme Materials Competency – Closing date Nov. 19, 2027

The invincible materials portfolio focuses on the fundamental, basic and applied material science and engineering to identify novel and emerging materials, systems and technologies for use across multiple high valued platforms and systems. The portfolio seeks to expand knowledge of materials and the related science and engineering of all materials classes with respect to synthesis, processing, development of novel materials or feedstocks, methods, advanced manufacturing techniques, experimentation, high through put techniques, machine learning, characterization, and modeling and simulation. The portfolio seeks to enable the discovery, development, design and integration of emerging structural, chemical and biological protection, electronic, laser and energy, materials in traditional and extreme environments such as materials under high rate and dynamic conditions. The portfolio also seeks material science and manufacturing technologies that supports the soldier, combat vehicles, combat support vehicles and other high valued assets to enable improved performance and survivability.

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Invisible Materials Research in support of the Sciences of Extreme Materials Competency – Closing date Nov. 19, 2027

The Invisible Materials Portfolio seeks to identify novel electromagnetic spectrum materials (EMS) for use in a wide range of military applications. The portfolio seeks materials with advanced capabilities to increase, decreases or alter the energy emitted, scattered or absorbed in a controlled manner.

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Multimodal Synthetic Data for Machine Learning – Closing date Nov. 19, 2027

The use of artificial intelligence solutions for Army field applications will rely heavily on machine learning (ML) algorithms. Current ML algorithms need large amounts of mission-relevant training data to enable them to perform well in tasks such as object and activity recognition, and high-level decision making. Battlefield data sources can be heterogeneous, encompassing multiple sensing modalities. Present open-source data sets for training ML approaches provide inadequate representation of scenes and situations of interest to the Army, in both content and sensing modalities. There is a push to use synthetic data to make up for the paucity of real-world training data relevant to military multi-domain operations of the future. However, there are no systematic approaches for synthetic generation of data that provide any degree of assurance of improved real-world performance of the ML techniques trained on such data. The problem of effective synthetic data generation for ML raises deeper questions than that of artificially generating speech or imagery that humans find realistic.

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DOD Tactical Heterogeneous Sensing in Complex Environments, Aerosols, and Impacts- November 19, 2027

 This program focuses on basic and applied research investigations designed to enhance situational and operational awareness with respect to operations in complex, multi-domain environments enabling C4ISR and maneuver capabilities. The research covers a broad portfolio including aerosol sciences, propagation of electro-optic (EO), electro-magnetic (EM), radio-frequency (RF) and acoustic signals in complex environments, impacts thereof, and heterogeneous sensing. Areas of specific interest are optical spectroscopy and characterization of aerosols, modeling of light interaction with material, atmospheric aerosol composition, heterogeneous remote sensing, and propagation modeling. Complex environments of particular interest are urban, littoral, forested, and domain interfaces.

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DOD Quantum networking for communications, distributed entanglement and information processing – November 19, 2027

 The Army seeks proposals in the development of quantum networks to advance performance metrics across a range of applications, including information distribution/security/processing, logistics, conventional networking and computing.

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DARPA Strategic Technology Office (STO) – October 31, 2024

DARPA’s Strategic Technology Office (STO) is seeking innovative ideas and disruptive
technologies that provide the U.S. military and national security leaders trusted, disruptive
capabilities to win in all physical domains (Air, Space, Sea, and Land) and across the spectrum
of competition, from deterrence to high-end peer combat. STO seeks to carry out DARPA’s
mission of creating high-risk, high-reward “breakthrough” technologies with a focus on
ambitious, difficult, and revolutionary projects that achieve significant changes or fundamental
shifts in technical capabilities and give our warfighters new ways to fight. STO will develop and
deliver solutions at a speed and scale to be operationally relevant in a relatively short time, just a
few years, from the initiation of the project to proof of concept.

STO is a “systems office,” seeking to create new “proof-of-concept” mission systems. Its goals
are to develop and demonstrate new capabilities that expand what is technically possible.

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DARPA Information Innovation Office (I2O) Office-wide – October 29, 2024

The Information Innovation Office (I2O) creates groundbreaking science and develops transformational capabilities in the informational and computational spheres to surprise adversaries and maintain enduring advantage for national security. I2O programs address elements of four key thrust areas:  Proficient artificial intelligence (AI), Resilient, adaptable, and secure systems, Advantage in cyber operations, and Confidence in the information domain.

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DARPA Exploration Announcement (EA) Master Solicitation for Advanced Research Concepts (ARC) – October 26, 2024

The Advanced Research Concepts (ARC) program will rapidly solicit and explore a high volume of promising new ideas for limited-scope investments. Projects will focus on answering high-risk/high-reward fundamental research questions and assessing the impact of further investment on problems of importance to the Department of Defense.

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The Office of Science (SC) of the Department of Energy (DOE) hereby announces its continuing interest in receiving grant applications for support of work in the following program areas: Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Basic Energy Sciences, Biological and Environmental Research, Fusion Energy Sciences, High Energy Physics, Nuclear Physics, Isotope R&D and Production, and Accelerator R&D and Production.

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DOD Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology – Sept. 30, 2024

ONR, ONRG, and MCWL are interested in receiving proposals for Long-Range S&T Projects that offer potential for advancement and improvement of Navy and Marine Corps operations.

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DARPA – Microsystems Technology Office: Intensity-Squeezed Photonic Integration for Revolutionary Detectors (INSPIRED) 

DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office seeks innovative proposals to develop compact, ultralow-noise optical detectors that employ squeezed-light measurement techniques to advance precision optical sensing. Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in evolutionary improvements to the existing state of practice.

The principal objective of the Intensity-Squeezed Photonic Integration for Revolutionary Detectors (INSPIRED) program is the development of optoelectronic detector modules that integrate squeezed-light measurement techniques into form factors comparable to commercial photodetector modules, thereby achieving sensitivity significantly beyond the quantum shot-noise limit. Such “squeezed-light detectors” will be transformative in advancing squeezed-light quantum measurement beyond laboratory environments as practical, general-purpose detector components that can be employed in diverse optical systems. The superior sensitivity of squeezed-light detectors is expected to provide decisive quantum advantages in wide-ranging application domains such as active imaging; atomic sensing; navigation; microscopy; and communications.

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NASA 2024 Human Exploration Research Opportunities (HERO) – multiple due dates

 The goal of the HRP is to provide human health and performance countermeasures, knowledge, technologies, and tools to enable safe, reliable, and productive human space exploration. The scope of this goal includes both the successful completion of exploration missions and the preservation of health over the astronaut’s lifetime. The HRP contains five Elements: Space Radiation, Human Health Countermeasures, Exploration Medical Capability, Human Factors and Behavioral Performance, and Research Operations and Integration.

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