Mines Research Collaborations
Innovating tomorrow’s solutions together
Mines Research Collaborations
Mines embraces a culture of collaboration and has a history of building strategic partnerships across industry, academia, government, and national labs. Sharing capabilities and expertise enables us to accelerate and broaden our impact as we work together to engineer innovative solutions. Explore our collaborations across our six Pillars of Research:
Earth Exploration: Research Collaborations
Center for Hydrate Research
The CHR is a global leader in hydrate research and recovery, an area that has significant impact on both energy and environmental sustainability. CHR funding and collaborations span across industry, the federal agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Center for Mineral Resources Science
CMRS brings together a world-class team of scientists from Mines and the U.S. Geological Survey, providing global leadership in mineral deposit and exploration research and education.
Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling
CR³ is a multi-university cooperative research center focused on sustainable stewardship of the earth's resources. Mines partners with Worcester Polytechnic Institute and KU Leuven to advance technologies that recover, recycle, and reuse materials across industries.
Center for Rock & Fluid Multiphysics
CRFM combines simultaneous laboratory experimentation with rock physics modeling to research the multiphysical properties of rocks, fluids and their interactions.
Center for Space Resources
CSR is dedicated to the human and robotic exploration of space and the utilization of its resources through the joint efforts of academia, government, the private sector, and international collaboration.
Center for Wave Phenomena
CWP is a research center that collaborates with industry, government agencies, and academic institutions to conduct leading research in seismic exploration, monitoring, and wave propagation.
Geology Center of Research Excellence
CoRE is an innovative industry-academic partnership between Mines and Chevron that promotes world-class research and education. CoRE focuses on scientific and technical challenges faced by the energy industry.
Center to Advance the Science of Exploration to Reclamation in Mining
CASERM represents a collaborative venture between Mines and Virginia Tech aimed at transforming the way that geoscience data are used in the mineral resource industry.
Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory
Mines is a member of the Collaboratory, which is a unique Colorado partnership that brings together energy expertise across the state to address the complex energy and natural resource challenges facing the world.
Colorado Geological Survey
Housed at Mines, CGS is a state government agency that provides geologic advice to the public to help reduce the impact of geologic hazards, promote responsible development of mineral and energy resources, and provide geologic insight into water resources.
Critical Materials Innovation Hub
CMI is a DOE Energy Innovation Hub focused on assuring supply chains for materials critical to clean energy technologies. Mines is part of CMI senior leadership and spearheads CMI efforts in education, training, and outreach.
Institute for Initiatives in Latin America
IILA builds external connections with partner institutions in Latin America and mobilizes Mines resources to conduct cutting-edge applied science that benefits local communities and builds research capacities at partner institutions.
Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy
KIEM was established in 1974 in accordance with a bequest from Dr. Kroll, a world renowned metallurgist. Since its inception, the Kroll Institute has maintained expertise and research capabilities to support the minerals, metals and materials industries.
Mines CCUS Innovation Center
MCIC is an independently sponsored research center that highlights applied research focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by millions of metric tons and enabling communities to transition toward zero-emissions energy generation.
Colorado-Wyoming Climate Resilience Engine
Mines is a partner in the Colorado-Wyoming Climate Resilience Engine, a NSF Regional Innovation Engine to advance climate resiliency research and commercialization efforts across methane emissions, soil carbon capture, earth sensing, water scarcity, wildfires and extreme weather.
Reservoir Characterization Project
RCP collaborates with industry partners to conduct applied research using seismic methods across a variety of geologic settings to predict reservoir performance and enhance field development strategies.
Shared Instrumentation Facility
The SIF provides centralized access to world-class scientific equipment and engineering instruments on Mines campus. External partners can consult with technical experts and access the SIF through our website.
Integrated Energy Solutions: Research Collaborations
Center for Hydrate Research
The CHR is a global leader in hydrate research and recovery, an area that has significant impact on both energy and environmental sustainability. CHR funding and collaborations span across industry, the federal agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Center for Rock & Fluid Multiphysics
CRFM combines simultaneous laboratory experimentation with rock physics modeling to research the multiphysical properties of rocks, fluids and their interactions.
Center for Wave Phenomena
CWP is a research center that collaborates with industry, government agencies, and academic institutions to conduct leading research in seismic exploration, monitoring, and wave propagation.
Geology Center of Research Excellence
CoRE is an innovative industry-academic partnership between Mines and Chevron that promotes world-class research and education. CoRE focuses on scientific and technical challenges faced by the energy industry.
Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics
CCAC is a focal point for interdisciplinary research and education on ceramics and related materials, with active industry and government partnerships.
Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory
Mines is a member of the Collaboratory, which is a unique Colorado partnership that brings together energy expertise across the state to address the complex energy and natural resource challenges facing the world.
Colorado Fuel Cell Center
CFCC partners with industry to develop electrochemical devices to address our nation's needs in electricity generation and energy storage.
Colorado Geological Survey
Housed at Mines, CGS is a state government agency that provides geologic advice to the public to help reduce the impact of geologic hazards, promote responsible development of mineral and energy resources, and provide geologic insight into water resources.
Critical Materials Innovation Hub
CMI is a DOE Energy Innovation Hub focused on assuring supply chains for materials critical to clean energy technologies. Mines is part of CMI senior leadership and spearheads CMI efforts in education, training, and outreach.
Nexus | Mines/NREL
Nexus is a partnership between Mines and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) that strengthens, accelerates, and enhances collaborative efforts to address energy challenges.
Mines CCUS Innovation Center
MCIC is an independently sponsored research center that highlights applied research focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by millions of metric tons and enabling communities to transition toward zero-emissions energy generation.
Reservoir Characterization Project
RCP collaborates with industry partners to conduct applied research using seismic methods across a variety of geologic settings to predict reservoir performance and enhance field development strategies.
Shared Instrumentation Facility
The SIF provides centralized access to world-class scientific equipment and engineering instruments on Mines campus. External partners can consult with technical experts and access the SIF through our website.
Sustainable Environment & Climate: Research Collaborations
Center for Hydrate Research
The CHR is a global leader in hydrate research and recovery, an area that has significant impact on both energy and environmental sustainability. CHR funding and collaborations span across industry, the federal agencies, and non-profit organizations.
Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling
CR³ is a multi-university cooperative research center focused on sustainable stewardship of the earth's resources. Mines partners with Worcester Polytechnic Institute and KU Leuven to advance technologies that recover, recycle, and reuse materials across industries.
Center for Rock & Fluid Multiphysics
CRFM combines simultaneous laboratory experimentation with rock physics modeling to research the multiphysical properties of rocks, fluids and their interactions.
Geology Center of Research Excellence
CoRE is an innovative industry-academic partnership between Mines and Chevron that promotes world-class research and education. CoRE focuses on scientific and technical challenges faced by the energy industry.
Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics
CCAC is a focal point for interdisciplinary research and education on ceramics and related materials, with active industry and government partnerships.
Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory
Mines is a member of the Collaboratory, which is a unique Colorado partnership that brings together energy expertise across the state to address the complex energy and natural resource challenges facing the world.
Colorado Geological Survey
Housed at Mines, CGS is a state government agency that provides geologic advice to the public to help reduce the impact of geologic hazards, promote responsible development of mineral and energy resources, and provide geologic insight into water resources.
Institute for Initiatives in Latin America
IILA builds external connections with partner institutions in Latin America and mobilizes Mines resources to conduct cutting-edge applied science that benefits local communities and builds research capacities at partner institutions.
Nexus | Mines/NREL
Nexus is a partnership between Mines and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) that strengthens, accelerates, and enhances collaborative efforts to address energy challenges.
Mines CCUS Innovation Center
MCIC is an independently sponsored research center that highlights applied research focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions by millions of metric tons and enabling communities to transition toward zero-emissions energy generation.
Colorado-Wyoming Climate Resilience Engine
Mines is a partner in the Colorado-Wyoming Climate Resilience Engine, a NSF Regional Innovation Engine to advance climate resiliency research and commercialization efforts across methane emissions, soil carbon capture, earth sensing, water scarcity, wildfires and extreme weather.
Shared Instrumentation Facility
The SIF provides centralized access to world-class scientific equipment and engineering instruments on Mines campus. External partners can consult with technical experts and access the SIF through our website.
Foundations of Responsible Innovation: Research Collaborations
Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling
CR³ is a multi-university cooperative research center focused on sustainable stewardship of the earth's resources. Mines partners with Worcester Polytechnic Institute and KU Leuven to advance technologies that recover, recycle, and reuse materials across industries.
Colorado Geological Survey
Housed at Mines, CGS is a state government agency that provides geologic advice to the public to help reduce the impact of geologic hazards, promote responsible development of mineral and energy resources, and provide geologic insight into water resources.
Critical Materials Innovation Hub
CMI is a DOE Energy Innovation Hub focused on assuring supply chains for materials critical to clean energy technologies. Mines is part of CMI senior leadership and spearheads CMI efforts in education, training, and outreach.
Institute for Initiatives in Latin America
IILA builds external connections with partner institutions in Latin America and mobilizes Mines resources to conduct cutting-edge applied science that benefits local communities and builds research capacities at partner institutions.
Nexus | Mines/NREL
Nexus is a partnership between Mines and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) that strengthens, accelerates, and enhances collaborative efforts to address energy challenges.
Shared Instrumentation Facility
The SIF provides centralized access to world-class scientific equipment and engineering instruments on Mines campus. External partners can consult with technical experts and access the SIF through our website.
Fundamentals of Scientific Discovery: Research Collaborations
Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center
ASPPRC is a leading source of expertise in the international steel community with support from corporate partners all over the world.
Alliance for the Development of Additive Processing Technology
ADAPT is a multi-disciplinary additive manufacturing research center and industry consortium with expertise across mechanical engineering, metallurgy and materials science, computer science, and physics.
Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics
CCAC is a focal point for interdisciplinary research and education on ceramics and related materials, with active industry and government partnerships.
Institute for Initiatives in Latin America
IILA builds external connections with partner institutions in Latin America and mobilizes Mines resources to conduct cutting-edge applied science that benefits local communities and builds research capacities at partner institutions.
NIST Professional Research Experience Program
NIST-PREP is a partnership between Mines and the National Institute of Standards and Technololgy (NIST) that provides laboratory experience and financial assistance to develop and train a diverse, world-class pool of scientists and engineers in measurement science and standards research.
Shared Instrumentation Facility
The SIF provides centralized access to world-class scientific equipment and engineering instruments on Mines campus. External partners can consult with technical experts and access the SIF through our website.
Science & Engineering Frontiers: Research Collaborations
Advanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center
ASPPRC is a leading source of expertise in the international steel community with support from corporate partners all over the world.
Alliance for the Development of Additive Processing Technology
ADAPT is a multi-disciplinary additive manufacturing research center and industry consortium with expertise across mechanical engineering, metallurgy and materials science, computer science, and physics.
Center for Advanced Non-Ferrous Structural Alloys
CANFSA is a National Science Foundation Industry/University Cooperative Research Center that integrates advanced processing, characterization, and modeling to improve the performance of non-ferrous structural alloys.
Center for Cybersecurity & Privacy
CCSP supports and promotes cybersecurity and privacy education and research at Mines and throughout the region, collaborating with a range of academic and federal partners.
Center for Resource Recovery and Recycling
CR³ is a multi-university cooperative research center focused on sustainable stewardship of the earth's resources. Mines partners with Worcester Polytechnic Institute and KU Leuven to advance technologies that recover, recycle, and reuse materials across industries.
Center for Space Resources
CSR is dedicated to the human and robotic exploration of space and the utilization of its resources through the joint efforts of academia, government, the private sector, and international collaboration.
Center for Wave Phenomena
CWP is a research center that collaborates with industry, government agencies, and academic institutions to conduct leading research in seismic exploration, monitoring, and wave propagation.
Center for Welding, Joining and Coatings Research
CWJCR promotes and conducts federally and industrially sponsored welding, joining and coatings research, and the advanced education of specialists in these fields.
Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics
CCAC is a focal point for interdisciplinary research and education on ceramics and related materials, with active industry and government partnerships.
Kroll Institute for Extractive Metallurgy
KIEM was established in 1974 in accordance with a bequest from Dr. Kroll, a world renowned metallurgist. Since its inception, the Kroll Institute has maintained expertise and research capabilities to support the minerals, metals and materials industries.
Manufacturing & Materials Joining Innovation Center
MA²JIC is a National Science Foundation Industry & University Cooperative Research Center that drives materials joining innovation in industries ranging from energy generation and aerospace, to automotive and defense.
NIST Professional Research Experience Program
NIST-PREP is a partnership between Mines and the National Institute of Standards and Technololgy (NIST) that provides laboratory experience and financial assistance to develop and train a diverse, world-class pool of scientists and engineers in measurement science and standards research.
Shared Instrumentation Facility
The SIF provides centralized access to world-class scientific equipment and engineering instruments on Mines campus. External partners can consult with technical experts and access the SIF through our website.