Federal Lab Partners
Office of Research & Technology Transfer
Federal Laboratory Partners

Colorado School of Mines is a leading STEM-focused research university, with distinctive capabilities that make Mines a partner of choice to America’s federal laboratories. Working together, we achieve shared goals and drive innovation with impact.
Our active engagements span U.S. federal research efforts from large-scale collaborations with national labs to partnerships focused on specific scientific and engineering challenges. Through these partnerships, we contribute to developing real-world solutions.
Discover how Mines connects with federal laboratory partners.
Federal Lab Partners

June 1, 2019 – Aerials of STM Campus. (Photo by Josh Bauer / NREL)
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is one of Mines’ oldest, most prominent, and highly active national lab partners. Only about three and a half miles apart, Mines and NREL have been partners in renewable energy research since NREL began as the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) in 1974.
The strong partnership between Mines and NREL spans a broad range of shared interests, all aimed at tackling the world’s most urgent challenges in climate change, clean energy, and the circular economy. Our collaborative research is extensive and encompasses many areas of renewable energy, materials science, STEM education, workforce development and more.
Highlights and helpful links for faculty, students and partners:
- Mines and NREL share a vibrant collaborative partnership that includes graduate and undergraduate students, post docs, early career scientists, and around 60 distinguished joint appointees – this relationship has catalyzed joint research funding and given rise to a significant number of joint publications and patents
- The Mines | NREL Nexus initiative is a strategic partnership focused on optimizing our collaborative efforts – Nexus provides administrative, programmatic, and funding support including seed funding opportunities
- Mines offers the Advanced Energy Systems (AES) graduate engineering degree program where students work with leading researchers at Mines and NREL to study and advance sustainable and alternative energy systems
- Mines is one of six participating Universities within NREL’s Joint Institute for Strategic Energy Analysis (JISEA), which has a mission to guide the transformation of the global energy economy through knowledge, research, and clean energy solutions
- Mines and NREL also collaborate with additional partners in education, research, and outreach with a focus on developing the local and regional workforce needed to build a clean energy future through partnerships including Co-Labs Inc., the Colorado Energy Sustainability Collaboratory, the Global Energy Park “Glo Park” research and innovation campus, and more
- Mines is a strategic partner within NREL’s University Partnerships Program
Colorado School of Mines and the U.S. Geological Survey have recently strengthened their partnership, with the November 2023 groundbreaking of the new $240M joint Energy and Minerals Research Facility (EMRF), set to open on the Mines campus in 2026.
The Energy and Materials Research building will house the USGS Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry Science Center and the Central Energy Resources Science Center and many of the complementary faculty and laboratories from Mines. This co-location will allow Mines faculty and students to work closely with the USGS energy and minerals scientists to address critical minerals and energy challenges vital to our nation.
Mines and USGS also partner through the Mines-based Center for Mineral Resources Science, a global leader in mineral deposit exploration research and education. This collaborative group of faculty, scientists and graduate student researchers are world leaders in studying economic geology, with state-of-the-art analytical facilities.
Helpful links for faculty, students and partners:
- USGS has several robust programs for student internships and fellowships, including the Pathways Program. Please visit their student and recent graduate opportunities page to find out more.
- Mines and USGS have established a joint industry program to study the potential of geologic hydrogen resources. This collaborative effort develops a scientific understanding of hydrogen systems and hydrogen generation, migration and preservation.

The US Department of Commerce campus in Boulder, CO
Just 20 minutes away from Mines sits the Boulder campus of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It is part of the US Department of Commerce campus in Boulder, CO that also includes the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
With mutual research interests in materials science, applied physics, microsystems and nanotechnology, quantum physics, additive manufacturing, building energy, systems intelligence, computer science and cybersecurity, the strategic partnership between Mines and NIST continues to grow and prosper. This is reflected in Mines’ status as a partner of choice for the NIST PREP (Professional Research Experience Program) program, a collaboration which aims to develop and train a world-class pool of scientists and engineers by providing NIST research opportunities to Mines students, young scientists, and faculty.
Helpful links for faculty, students and partners:
- NIST is managing the $50B CHIPS for America program designed to revitalize the U.S. position within semiconductor research, development, and manufacturing. Visit this page to see current CHIPS job openings.
- Mines students, faculty and early career scientists can find opportunities and information on participating in the Mines NIST PREP program here. NIST PREP opportunities for Mines students can be found on Diggernet.
Mines has recently increased engagement with Idaho National Laboratory (INL), forming new research collaborations on a growing number of shared research areas of interest.
The shared goal of this partnership is to build signature experiences for students, researchers and early career scientists, making contributions to key technical areas. This will include sharing expertise and resources, strategic convenings, establishing joint appointments, and bolstering workforce development pipelines.
Shared research interests include geosciences, critical materials, hydrogen, materials development and advanced manufacturing, transportation and energy storage, cyber and homeland security, nuclear energy, and basic energy sciences.
Helpful links for faculty, students and partners:
- Find out more about INL’s graduate student internships and their postdoctoral research opportunities
- Discover INL’s priority research areas
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) offers many opportunities for strategic partnerships with Mines.
Areas of mutual research include materials science, particle physics, subatomic physics, chemical process modeling, quantum chemistry and quantum sensors, high explosives manufacturing, radioactive materials research, additive manufacturing and welding, and advanced alloy development.
Helpful links for faculty, students and partners:
- As one of LLNL’s strategic university partners, Mines faculty have opportunities to exchange knowledge and develop new collaborations through LLNL’s paid, on-site, Faculty Mini-Sabbatical Program.
- Mines students can explore student internships and recent graduates can find postdoctoral opportunities at LLNL.
- In addition, Mines students, staff, and alumni are strong candidates for many career opportunities at LLNL.

LANL main tech area TA-03 in the pre-dawn hours.
Los Alamos National Lab (LANL) and Mines work together to support science, mathematics and engineering education. Mines and LANL support joint appointments enabling scientists to conduct work at both facilities. This creates a greater capacity to attract, recognize and retain premier students, scientists and engineers at both institutions. As joint appointees, LANL scientists may teach and advise Mines students, submit project and grant proposals and work with Mines faculty to pursue publications, patents and intellectual property for both institutions.
Collaborative research between Mines and LANL includes high entropy alloys, advanced metallic alloys and steels, explosives, carbon storage, electrophysics, computational modeling and predictions, and additive manufacturing.
Helpful links for faculty, students and partners:
- The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center is a unique user facility that Mines faculty and students can access for collaborative projects with LANL
- Mines students and graduates are actively sought out to work at LANL. To find out more information careers, student and postdoc opportunities please visit the LANL career page.
Joint appointments between Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and Mines provide new and diverse opportunities for researchers to expand their knowledge and impact. They create pathways for researchers to contribute unique capabilities that advance the scientific missions of both institutions. These enhanced opportunities allow for collaborations and impact that would not be possible outside of this formalized framework.
Rotating appointments elevate the scientific impact and productivity of researchers at both institutions by fostering collaborative research, deepening and broadening capabilities, facilitating transdisciplinary research, providing access to specialized instrumentation and other research tools and giving students and interns new educational and training opportunities.
Areas of complementary interest include chemistry, data analytics, earth science, and technical innovation in sustainable energy and national security.
Helpful links for faculty, students and partners:
- PNNL has a robust focus on education, with many programs dedicated to collaboration with faculty, students and other researchers. View the PNNL education hub here.
Other Federal Laboratory Partners
Mines has relationships with other national laboratories including Argonne, Brookhaven, Lawrence Berkeley, Oak Ridge, Ames and Sandia. If you have interest in learning more, please reach out to the RTT office.
For questions about our Federal Laboratory relationships:
Kelly Hummel, MBA
Federal Laboratory Relationship Manager

Federal Labs Related News
- Colorado School of Mines, Idaho National Laboratory Announce Partnership
- The Next Big Thing in Energy: Two Mines faculty members working on Energy Earthshots
- Colorado School of Mines, Idaho National Laboratory expand research partnership
- USGS, Mines break ground on new facility focused on energy and minerals research