Research Integrity and Security Committee
Research Integrity and Security
The Research Integrity and Security Committee (RISC) is responsible for reviewing the research integrity and security practices of Mines on a periodic basis and advising the Mines administration. The committee provides programmatic oversight of legally mandated areas such as research risk assessment, export controls, undue foreign influence, human subjects research, responsible and ethical conduct of research, and program audits. Subcommittees or working groups are assembled as need arises and as approved by the Research Integrity and Security Committee.
The appointed membership of the Research Integrity and Security Committee consists of four academic faculty members. The Director, Research Integrity and Security chairs the committee on behalf of the Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer (VPRTT). Additionally, the Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies, the Executive Director of Compliance, Policy and Risk Management, the Director of Research Administration, and the Senior Director, Information Security or their designated representatives serve as voting, ex officio committee members. One Graduate and one Undergraduate student representative serve as voting members. A member of the General Counsel staff provides legal counsel.